Update equations for Recursive Least Squares

The Recursive Least Squares (RLS) method is commonly used, but I did not find any derivation of it that suited me. Since I did the derivation for my own sake, I thought I would share it. I’ll do the derivation first, and then comment om some details.

The derivation

This section is simply a derivation of the RLS update equations for weighted least squares with forgetting and regularizing initialization. I rely on the presentation in this tutorial by Arvind Yedla, but do some with minor tweaks and changes in notation.

You are given a scalar series \((y_t)_{t=1}^{t_{max}}\) and a vector valued time series \((z_t)_{t=1}^{t_{max}}\). The task is to compute

\[\label{eq:rls:optim} \theta_t := \text{arg min}_\theta \frac{1}{2} \sum_{s=1}^{t} \lambda^{t-s} |y_{s} - \theta^T z_{s} |^2 + \frac{\lambda^t\delta}{2} |\theta|^2 \tag{1}\]

repeatedly for \(t\) from \(t=1\) to \(t_{max}\). There are two tuning parameters: \(0\lt\lambda\leq1\) and \(0\lt\delta\). The objective function is first cast into vector notation by means of a weight matrix \(\Lambda_t = \text{diag}(\lambda^0,\lambda^1,...\lambda^t)\). Define \(\vec y_t\) to be the vector of \((y_s)_{s=1}^{t}\) up to time \(t\). Let \(\vec z_t\) be a matrix with \((z_s^T)_{s=1}^{t}\) as the rows. This recasts the problem as \(\theta_t := \text{argmin}_\theta \frac{1}{2} (\vec y_t - \vec z_t \theta)^T \Lambda_t (\vec y_t - \vec z_t \theta) + \frac{\lambda^t\delta}{2} \theta^T \theta\)

Diffrentiating and setting zero yields the equation \(\theta_t = \left(\vec z_t^T \Lambda_t\vec z_t + \lambda^t\delta I \right)^{-1} \vec z_t\Lambda_t \vec y_t \tag{2}\) We have introduced \(I\) to denote an appropriately sized identity matrix.

This can be recursively be computed. Define \(\vec p_t :=\vec z_t\Lambda_t \vec y_t = \lambda \vec p_{t-1 }+ z_ty_t\) and \(R_t := \left(\vec z_t^T \Lambda_t\vec z_t + \lambda^t \delta I \right) = \lambda R_{t-1} + z_tz_t^T \tag{3}\) and \(P_t:=R_t^{-1}\) . Since equation (3) is a rank-one update, we can apply the Sherman–Morrison formula and do fast updates on \(P_{t-1}\) to obtain \(P_t\). The computation is \(P_t:=R_t^{-1} = \lambda^{-1} \left( R_{t-1} +\lambda^{-1} z_tz_t^T \right)^{-1} = \lambda^{-1}P_{t-1} - \lambda^{-1}\frac{P_{t-1} z_t z_t^T P_{t-1} }{\lambda+ z_t^T P_{t-1}z_t }\) We may also introduce the Kalman gain \(\vec k_t := \frac{P_{t-1} z_t}{\lambda+ z_t^T P_{t-1}z_t }\) so that \(P_t = (I- \vec k_t z_t^T)\lambda^{-1}P_{t-1}\). We now have most of the symbols needed to simplify equation (2).

\[\begin{aligned} \theta_t & = \left(\vec z_t^T \Lambda_t\vec z_t + \lambda^t\delta I \right)^{-1} \vec z_t\Lambda_t \vec y_t \\ & = P_t \vec p_t \\ & = ( I- \vec k_t z_t^T)\lambda^{-1}P_{t-1}\left[ \lambda \vec p_{t-1} + z_ty_t \right] \\ & = ( I- \vec k_t z_t^T)\left[ \theta_{t-1} + \lambda^{-1}P_{t-1}z_ty_t \right] \\ & = \theta_{t-1} + \lambda^{-1}P_{t-1}z_ty_t - \vec k_t z_t^T\left[ \lambda \theta_{t-1} + \lambda^{-1}P_{t-1}z_ty_t \right] \\ & = \theta_{t-1} + \lambda^{-1}P_{t-1}z_ty_t - \vec k_t \left[\hat y_t + \lambda^{-1} z_t^T P_{t-1}z_ty_t \right] \\ & = \theta_{t-1} + \lambda^{-1} \vec k_t y_t\left[\lambda+ z_t^T P_{t-1}z_t \right] - \vec k_t \left[\hat y_t + \lambda^{-1}z_t^T P_{t-1}z_ty_t \right] \\ & = \theta_{t-1} + \vec k_t \left[y_t - \hat y_t \right] \end{aligned}\]

By the end, we introduced the prediction \(\hat y_t := z_t^T\theta_{t-1}\). We finally introduce the prediction error or innovation \(e_t := y_t - \hat y_t\) and arrive at our final update equation \(\theta_t = \theta_{t-1}+\vec k_t e_t\)

We initialize with \(P_0 = I \frac{1}{\delta}\) and \(\theta_0 = \vec 0\).


In equation (1) we have a simple least squares objective plus a regularizing term. If not the regularizing term was vanishing with increasing \(t\), it would be a ridge regression problem.

By not having a vanishing regularization like this, we cannot make the simple recursive formulation with rank one updates by the Sherman-Morrison formula. We are thus forced to have this vanishin regularization if we want fast simple updates.

Online ridge regression is a technique that has been studied, but is in the field of online convex optimization, and not typically studied in control or statistics.

If the forgetting factor \(\lambda=1\), then the regularizing term will never vanish and we do get a online ridge problem.

The initialization \(P_0\) is obvious here. The value chosen corresponds to a ridge regression with vanishing regularization coefficient. In some references (e.g. the wikipedia article) they simply state that such an initialization is customary, but I think this derivation clearly shows where it comes from and how it should be interpreted.

Nothing in the derivation motivates why the one-step ahead prediction \(\hat y_t\) is a reasonable idea. It does not show that the values converges to something reasonable. Please refer to other sources for such proofs.


I wrote this post by hand directly into the web-editor on github. It was a pain. But doing mistakes in what MathJax can/can’t do, as well as falling into pitfalls from Jekyll and kramdown was a pain. I have soooo many manually type backslashes in the sourse that I soon need to find a better way to typeset this mess. I’ll let you know in time.

Furthermore, it seems line breaking in MathJax align environments does not work as expected. This is apparently (a known bug in MathJax 3](https://github.com/mathjax/MathJax/issues/2312) So a middle part in this post is a mess. I’ll look into it eventually. But for now, I’ll let it be.

Update 2021-01-28: Today I troubleshooted the errors in the markdown. I did so by installing kramdown locally on my machine and then parsing this post. In that way I could see various parse errors and see the HTML output. I found the following:

  1. \left[ had to be typed as \\left\[. Because otherwise the [ is interpreted as a start of a reference link.
  2. kramdown supports mathmode. In that mode, normal escape rules are ignored so that one does not neet to do all the silly extra backslashes. What a mess! Using $$math$$ will either produce \[math\] or \(math\) depending on whether it is written in line or as a separate block (blank line before and after).
